Thursday, September 18, 2014

Throw Back Time (Writer's Workshop)

1st Grade - Did not want my picture taken!
Talk about serious!  Did you ever see a more serious first grader?  This is me in my favorite dark blue navy dress before I got my glasses and when I was the only child in our family.  I think I look pretty tough in this picture like I'm thinking, "better not mess with me!"   I like this picture of me--it really captures my personality at the time.

4th Grade with a smile
Then, I go from that to worse!  By fourth grade, I looked like this.  I absolutely hate this picture of me.  My mom liked curls but went a bit overboard for my taste.  I didn't like this dress either and the glasses make me look dorky I think.  I did smile for this picture, trying to make myself look nicer.

By this time, I knew Jesus as my personal Savior and wasn't too worried about my appearance.  One of my favorite verses at this point in my life was I Samuel 16:7 which says:

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. (KJV)
 Which picture do you like better?

Used Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop prompt:  Throwback time:  share an old class photo of yourself. Why not join in and share one of your old class photos too? (or one of the other 4 prompts if you like)

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carol daniels said...

So serious, indeed! But, it sounds like you were very sure of yourself at a very early age. Thanks for sharing!

Lin said...

I like them both for various reasons. I like the unsure little girl in first grade, holding back the smile. And I like the second photo because I KNOW all too well about bad curly hair photos and tacky plaid clothes! I can totally relate to that photo as mine all look like that too.

TMWHickman said...

I like both pictures, because they both show a feisty girl full of life!

MrsTee said...

OMGoodness even if serious these are definitely photos of a cute and smart little girl.

KatBouska said...

That first grade photo you are a doll! You almost look like a different person in the photo after it, but still adorable in my opinion!

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