Because me mom told them about my vomiting problem and everyone agreed it was just because I eat so fast because I am hungry, I got this new feeding toy. The food goes inside and then as I bat it around, some drops out the holes in the side a little at a time. It slows me down quite a bit, but it's kind of fun to play with. I found if I just knock it off the table, a whole bunch tends to fall out that way.
The next day though, mom made it even tighter which made it too challenging for even me so I gave up and went to lay by the heater. My mom actually brought the food toy down to me and made it a bit easier. My sisfur, Abby Dabby Doo came over and watched me very closely the whole time I was eating. I hissed at her when she came too close though because she is sneaky and I do not trust her not to take me food. Then mom made her back up.
Spunky was taking so long, I just wanted to help her out. I am very good at food puzzles. Woof! Woof! |
Does anyone else have to work for their food? I recommend this toy for any cat who eats too fast like I do.
What do you think, would I have taken Spunky's food? Woof! Woof!
Joining Aww Mondays and Monday Mischief.
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Very cool food toy. At our house the dogs would be more than happy to help our cat out with her food!
Yes Abby, you would have eaten all her food if mommy wasn't watching. Dogs are like hoovers. I'm just saying.
Have a woof woof and purrfect Awww Monday. :)
I have to work for my food, but that's a grown up thing. ;)
Abby, we bet you would have eaten Spunky's food! Concats on your good vet report Spunky Doodle! We don't have to work for our food other than giving pitiful looks but we don't get much food anymore either since someTortie is supposed to be on a diet.
We only get crunchy food as treats, and Binga would hoover them if left to her own devices. But I must say, I do not think she is a fan of those food dispenser toys! She goes crazy trying to get every last morsel out!
P.S. Paws up, Spunky, for a great vet visit!
We have a couple of food toys that Onyxx eats out of. Otherwise he too gulps everything down in a few seconds.
We had the same problem with our younger dog. She would gobble up her food then steal our older dogs food. We solved the problem by taking a small bowl and placing it upside down inside a bigger bowl. Because Lucky the younger dog had to eat around the bowl it slowed her down and Cricket had plenty of time to eat.
I like Abby helping! Hahaha!
We tried one of those kongs and the kitties just sat there waiting for me to show them how it works. They are too lazy for kongs. Go figure.
What a good kitty at the vet! I'm impressed.
awww what a good kitty! Big hugs to Spunky! and you!
Thanks everyone for the congrats on my good vet visit. Abby would not eat my food because I wouldn't let her.
You sure have to work for your supper buddy!
Luckily I'm on easy street! :)
I hope you're having a fun day,
Your pal Snoopy :)
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