Our motivational name poems:
Karen |
K is for Kind, generous to people
A is for
Alluring, drawing people in Analytical, thinks through everything
R is for
Ravishing, an entrancing beauty Rascal, sometimes a bit mischievous
E is for
Eloquent, the gift of expression Entertaining, making people laugh
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achievements
(This is actually a funny one if you know me. "Alluring, Ravishing, Eloquent" are not words I would choose to describe me. This made me laugh!)
Gerard |
G is for
Gracious, handling matters with class Growly, when arising at 4:30 a.m.
E is for
Entertaining, a source of endless fun Energetic, goes non-stop all day long
R is for Real, authentic in character
A is for
Arresting, people flock to you Amusing, can be very funny
R is for Relaxing, you put people at ease
D is for Diligent, a committed worker
("Gracious, Energetic and Arresting" are not words that I would use to describe my husband but all the others here are right on.)
Abby with girl afraid of dogs |
A is for Alluring, drawing people in
B is for Beautiful, a treat for the eyes
B is for Big-hearted, you have room for everyone
Y is for Yummy,
so delectable loves to eat
Spunky |
S is for Smart, a keen intellect
P is for Picturesque, strikingly beautiful
U is for Ultimate, just the best
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achievements
K is for Kind,
generous to people shares things with Manny
Y is for Yes, always believing in yourself
Manny |
M is for Modest, humility is your virtue
A is for Amazing, I never cease to think
N is for
Nutty, full of wackiness Noble, a very good cat
N is for Nice, a sweet soul
Y is for Yearning, a drive to succeed
Try it out for yourself! Go to Below are the name poems generated by
http://www.namepoem.org/ and choose motivational or funny, then generate. I think the funny ones should be called stupid instead--didn't think they were funny at all. If you don't like what first comes up, try again and you will get something different.
UPDATED with my "improvements" Oct. 9.
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