I was ecstatic and anxious to tell my family who thought I would never find anybody. They were not thrilled when I told them, not even happy for me. The reason why not? Simple, she was not Catholic. I grew up Catholic: grade school, high school, all the sacraments, even an altar boy for a long time! In March, when Karen invited me to go with her to a singles retreat for a weekend, the first thing my sister said to me was “You’re going to miss Sunday Mass!” and on and on it went. I fought many battles and I take my faith seriously.
Although Karen was not Catholic, she was very active in her protestant church. We both loved our Lord Jesus Christ and put our faith in Him as our Savior. It was not easy to change, but when our wedding day came and I finally married Mrs. Wonderful, I knew I had done the right thing! I felt validated . . . and happy!
UPDATED 1/16/11: Can you guess why Karen is not smiling in the picture above?
Candles make her nervous--so much so that I had to convince her to have this part in the ceremony!
This is in response to Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop prompt to write about when you felt validated.
Related Posts: How Gerard and I Found Each Other
Our Anniversary Of The Day We Met

Very sweet post. Hubs and I had our first date at Pizza Hut!
That's wonderful Gerard. I think you two are a match made in Heaven and it's so great to read about how much you love each other.
P.S. - Karen, I love the quote you used at the top of your page.
I too think you both are a great match. I do have one question though. How does your family feel about Karen now? I hope that issues has been resolved. The religion issue that is.
Have a terrific day. :)
Awwww.... that is a lovely story. I am so glad that you could overcome the fact that she wasn't Catholic. That is a lovely picture of your wedding day!
I am following you now *wink*
Sweet story! I'm glad you listened to your heart and not your family Gerard! You and Karen are purrfect for one another!
Oh, I love this story...so sweet!!! Your wedding photo is lovely!! Hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Wow, that is SO beautiful!!!! Karen and Gerard, you are both so blessed! :D
That Great Expectations site sounds wonderful! All I'd ever heard of were dating services. It's nice to know that there is a service out there for those looking for a spouse. :) I hope it gets more publicity.
Have a great day!
This is awesome, Gerard; I really enjoyed hearing about the way you two fell in love, and the wedding photo is a sweet bonus :)
(clicked through one of the "You also might like" at the end of another post, in case you were wondering)
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