When he was in high school he went to school, came home, watched TV and ate out of boredom. High School was a very tough time for him so he was pretty depressed. If you've read "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult or "Please Stop Laughing at Me" by Jodee Blanco, Gerard says he was just like the kids in those books that got picked on constantly.
Gerard was not active at all until he graduated and started working. Then the weight came off since he was on his feet all day loading and unloading trucks for a warehouse and then also shot hoops in his backyard. After his parents died, he also did all the house cleaning and enjoyed doing yardwork and taking care of roses. Since he was busier, he didn't eat as much.
So, how do you lose weight? Get active and don't just sit and eat in the evenings.
He looks so different! He doesn't even look like the same person NOW.
UPDATED 8/28/10: His current weight is 130!
Gerard looks great. He looks really healthy. (I think he’s cute in his High School pix). Don’t a lot of teenagers gain weight when they start into puberty and then loose it in few years? It’s a tough thing and kids are so mean to each other. High School is the equivalent to surving Hell for all of us. (Only thing worse-Junior High School!)
Gerard looks terrific. I'm glad he lost the weight, because it means you'll have him around a lot longer :) It makes me sad to think of his depressing high school experience. Some people say, "High school is the time of your life!" I always say that that's a load of you-know-what; middle school and high school can be awful for a lot of kids. Thanks for sharing this!
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