Sunday, May 19, 2024

Bear is Eating but . . .


Well, I've got Bear on a schedule for eating and his Insulin but it requires me changing my normal routines.  In order to still feed him after my shower and my early pill, I need to get up 15 minutes earlier at 4:45 now.  Furthermore, to keep him on schedule so I can give him Insulin at 6:05 - 6:10, I need to watch him eat and cheer him on.  If I leave him to eat alone, he loses focus.  If I leave him to eat while I get dressed, pretty soon he's downstairs with me! 

 So, this morning I decided to just wait until he's all done eating to get dressed and pray and read my Bible as I hold up his dish for him and cheer him on.  The Insulin should be given every 12 hours so if I want to go anywhere in the evening, I need to be done giving him the Insulin early enough for me to leave to get there on time.  If left on his own, it takes him about an hour or more to eat but if I stay with him and cheer him on, he gets done in less time.  The good thing is he even ate most of his dinner yesterday without the appetite stimulant pill and finished all his breakfast this morning!  With the appetite stimulant pill, there were days he finished in just 30-43 minutes, but the vet says as long as he's eating (regardless of how long it takes), I shouldn't give him the pill.  If he should stop eating or starts just picking at his food, then I need to give it to him.    

I miss the evening walk with my dog though because I need to make sure Bear eats within the timeframe for the insulin.  I guess the nights I don't go anywhere, we could walk the dog later after the insulin is given.  Otherwise, my husband will be walking the dog without me until I can get Bear to eat on his own.  Don't know if that is going to happen.  I sure hope it does!  He has come a long way eating only the right food and only two flavors.  It sure would make things easier if he'd eat without me watching!


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