Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Roxy's 1st Trip to Fernhill Park

Yesterday Roxy spent all day at the vet for her dental cleaning, a couple vaccines and to get microchipped.  It was a good day for it since it mostly rained all day and cleared up for her evening walk.  Anyhow, I felt bad for her so wanted to make it up to her.  Today we took Roxy to the Fernhill picnic area off Snow Road for the first time and boy, did she enjoy it!  It was only 69 degrees so a very good day to go with her there.  She likes cooler weather.

She made this video so she could tell you all about it!  After we got back, it was time for lunch and then she came with us to watch us play Pickleball.  She actually got to watch four others play too who were on the next court.  They were very impressed with her!

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Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Sunday Crate Battle

In this video, you can see for yourself how easily Roxy goes into her crate for meals but when we need her to go in for a long time so we can go somewhere, she does not go in easily at all!  It took two of us to get her before we went to church this morning.  Since she chewed my slipper again when we left her free, we decided we can't trust her to be good while we are gone so need to crate her.  We now take her along with us when we go for an hour to play pickleball at our neighborhood courts.  She seems to prefer that even on hot days to being left alone in the crate.

We've been doing all her feeding in the crate so she associates it with good things; however, it does not seem to be working very well.  We took on on two walks not too long before trying to crate her in the hopes she would be tired enough to enjoy some down time.  Anyone have any suggestions to help us out with this?

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Monday, June 15, 2020

Where's Spunky Doodle?

Looking for me?
When I looked for Spunky in all her usual spots, I expanded my search and found her snoozing on Roxy's bed.  It's a little big for her.

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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thankful Thursday: Watching Pickleball by Roxy

I am thankful that twice now mom and dad brought me along with them when they went to play pickleball near our house.  They used to leave me loose in the house, but since I chewed up the slipper last time they left me alone when they played, they decided to try taking me with them.  The alternative would be to be in my crate.

They brought along some water for me and tied my leash to the fence.  I had a ringside seat to watch them play and was happy to be with them.  There are lots of other things to see there too.  Sometimes there are kids playing hockey behind the pickleball courts, sometimes there are kids playing on the playground near by, today there was a man cutting the grass around the courts and sometimes other dogs go by.

Gerard seems to play better when I come along because mom's attention is divided.  She says I'm a bit of a distraction.  Both times I went, dad actually won a game!

This seems to work okay if it's not real hot out because there is no shade there for me to be in.  Where do you take your dog?

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Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hunting Success by Roxy

Image result for chipmunk images clip artMy mom calls me Wild Thing and Nutso sometimes when my wolflike-features arise.  I was so happy on my early walk yesterday and today because I finally actually caught my prey.  Yesterday I got hold of a chipmunk on the way to the park.  Mom was very mad that I went for the chipmunk even though I didn't actually kill it.  It ran away when I dropped it but mom said I was mean.  Then she reminded herself that God made me with these instincts and I was just doing what God made me to do.  I think she was mostly disappointed in herself for not protecting the little cute chipmunk better--after all, she was holding my leash.
I am so proud and happy!

I almost got a squirrel on the way home when I jumped up a tree at full height, but it managed to get higher before I got him.  Sorry no picture, mom didn't have her camera with her. 

Today, dad was holding the leash when I rummaged in the bushes and caught a sparrow!  That one I did kill.  Maybe I should be nicknamed killer, although I don't look mean, do I?

I felt like celebrating so when mom and dad went out for about an hour to play Pickleball, I went after mom's fury black slippers that were ontop of her dresser.  I had great fun tearing apart the one and was ready to start on the other when they came back and went crazy yelling at me calling me a very bad dog.  I didn't get pet by either one of them and both of them yelled at me and kept at it until dad finally decided to take me for a walk to the mailbox.  I am in big trouble now--I may need to find a new home.  Mom did say she was glad no screens were ruined, but that from now on I have to go in my den (cage) when they leave because I can't be trusted.

I only slipped up today.  She had those slippers there for a long time.  She got them after I tore up her other pair of slippers like these.  She mentioned something about them costing $70--they are Indian moccasins that she liked a lot.  I think she should let me have the other one too.  What good does just one slipper do her?

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Monday, June 1, 2020

Enjoying My Walk . . . and Rest Time by Roxy

 Some days we start off with a short early walk, but other days, daddy surprises me with either the 45-min. Snow Road walk or even the Veterans Memorial Park walk!  I am fresh early in the morning and like walking at that time the best.

On the way home, especially on warm days, I enjoy finding a nice shady spot with a breeze to rest for a bit.  Daddy is always eager to get going, but since I'm the boss, he'll wait until I'm ready.  My mom brings along my water bottle for me too which I appreciate. 

I am a happy doggie!
Enjoy your day.  Woof!  Woof!
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