Glad to be home but . . . |
Somehow Abby dislocated her shoulder but we do not know when or how this happened. We took her to the vet yesterday (not the way we hoped to spend our afternoon). They did x-rays and fortunately, there are no broken bones and no fractures at least. That was good news! Also, although Dr. Walker never popped a dislocated shoulder in before, she gave it a try and was successful. God answered that prayer--if she wasn't able to do it, we would have had to take her to an emergency clinic much farther from our home. It is very fragile though and if it doesn't stay in, Abby will need surgery. She stayed over night at the vet and we picked her up after church today. We really missed her and are glad she is home.
As of now, it will take her at least 6 weeks to heal and she's all wrapped up and only has use of three legs. We feel so bad for her and pretty helpless. She tries standing now and then but not for very long. So far she has drank and eaten, but has not gone potty yet. My husband will have to carry her outside down and up the steps for her to just go in our yard and then back in. There will not be any walks at all for a while. She had breakfast at 9:00 a.m. today instead of at 5:00 as usual with the pain pill that should be given every 12 hours. This is not conducive to
our normal eating schedule so it will disrupt our routine. It looks
like she'll be eating breakfast much later than usual and Gerard will
have to feed her because I'll already be off to work.
We were told not to let the bandage get wet or dirty so will have to wrap it up in suran wrap before we take her out. I haven't even tried to do that yet. Well, I'm off to PetSmart to see if I can get a sling to help her stand long enough to go potty.
It's going to be a long six weeks but she's made it through worse than this before so hopefully she will do it again. January is not a good month for our pets!
Meanwhile, Manny is not eating today and I am a basket case. Prayers would be appreciated for all of us. I am so stressed out, have a hard time thinking straight. I am seriously considering taking off work!
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