Of course Manny had to get in the picture too! |
I had a very happy Valentine's Day this year. To most people, it probably doesn't seem like much but I love simple things. I love chocolate covered cherries and that's what my husband got for me. It's not about spending a lot of money, it's about understanding what I like and part of that is not wasting money. We stocked up on some goodies, the big chocolate chip cookie (he is a "cookie monster") and a blueberry cake that cost only $4.00 at Giant Eagle. We got each other a Valentine card and that started our day. I liked the one I got from my husband because it made me laugh and had a cat and dog on the front. My husband was very pleased with his too because although it was small (and cheap--free is good), I made little hearts on the inside with a reason for each one why I love him.

Then we had a really fun Sunday School class based on Daniel 1 when Daniel and his friends were taken into captivity in Babylon and put into a 3-yr. training program to work in the palace for the king. Their names were changed to Babylonian names and they obeyed God by making a bargain with the guard to get to eat water and vegetables instead of the wine and food from the King's table. We told the kids what all their names meant and then gave them new names for the day along with the meaning of those names (used
www.meaning-of-names.com for this). They enjoyed that (except for one girl who really didn't like her new name.) Then for our review game, we let them choose between pick-up-stix and Bash. To my surprise, the girls picked Bash and the boys chose pick up stix. Of course we gave the kids some heart-shaped frosted brownies for a Valentine treat at the end.
My husband asked if I'd like to go out to eat somewhere special but I like having pizza for my Sunday lunch and stuck with that. To our surprise, our friend at our pizza place (Casamel's) gave us a box of blueberry cordials! I didn't even know they existed but they are good too. The cherry ones are still my favorite though.

In the afternoon we enjoyed watching the Republican debate together, a couple Hallmark movies (Everything Valentine and don't know the name of the other about attorney going to Wyoming), some Bruins hockey and reading. Of course, we had extra time with our pets and Manny came and laid on me while I read GLASS SWORD by Victoria Aveyard and while I watched TV. My husband finished Book 2 of the Harry Potter series, THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS by J. K. Rowling.
We had a wonderful, relaxing day together and just enjoyed each other's company with no stress. I sure hope we have many more happy years together.
I would say I am very low maintenance. What about you?
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